Wolne miejsca – Stowarzyszenie Wspierania Młodzieży CZ-ART

Diable en soc d'aquest ball, diable en soc i en seré, més m'estimo ser diable que aprenent de botifler!

Wpis Wolne miejsca

”An EVS adventure: into the south ” is basically an art and culture project with the activities such as volunteers’ implementing the gained skills in the area and taking handcraft , local events with target groups , Turkish lesson and some other art courses. Furthermore, in the project volunteers will have the chance to come together with Turkish youngsters having  fewer oportunities. We aim that to make big database in different language about different countries in long term. We will collect all documents which we have at the end of volunteering in one book.

Stowarzyszenie Wspierania Działań Młodzieży Cz-Art/Poland ve aha Tipps und Infos für junge Leut/Germany are sending, TASEV Training Culture and Youth association/Turkey is hosting organisiation in this project.
The duration of the project is 6 months, from 1st December 2015 to 1st May 2016. There will be 2 volunteers, 1 volunteer will come from to the Germany and 1 volunteer from Poland to the Gaziantep/Turkey.
To apply, please send your CV and motivation letter to our coordinator Ewa: [email protected]


początek projektu: Wrzesień 2015

Our school is the vocational college „Tecklenburger Land”. As a public school we offer lessons of secondary education in the areas of technology, home economics, social work and design in the dual system and in the full time system up to high school. We have about 2400 students and 111 teachers in our school. Our students come from the whole area of the district „Tecklenburger Land”.

The industrial mining town of Ibbenbüren with its population of 51,190 is located in the north of North-Rhine-Westphalia between Osnabrück and the Dutch border. The surroundings are mainly rural in nature with agriculture and cattle farming. To the south of Ibbenbüren there are the wooded hills of the Teutoburger Wald with  their natural beauty which offer locals and  tourists alike a wide variety of outdoor activities. The mining company, which has its own vocational school, dates back to the 16th century. Besides the mine and the attached power plant, there is also a broad selection of small and medium-sized industrial companies and craft enterprises, which provide jobs and apprenticeships in many different professions.
The Vocational College in Ibbenbüren offers classes for 2400 students taught by 111 teachers. Due to the rural location of the college many students come from all over the region to attend classes. Our departments offer:

− Apprenticeships like electrical technicians, kindergarten teachers, hairdressers, motor mechanics, painters and decorators, mechanical technicians, joiners, plumbers and utilities technicians
− High School Diploma like Community Sports Leader, State-approved Educator and State-approved IT Assistant
− Full-time Technical School like Welfare and Health Care for Nursing Assistants, Welfare and Health Care for Social Workers, Mechanical Engineering
− Higher Technical College like Design, Welfare and Health Care
− Preparatory School like Mechanical Technicians, Wood Technicians, Home Economics Assistants
− Job Orientation.

Our design department is well equipped with professional printers, professional laminator, laser for cutting and engraving and a photo studio. Further more we a have a new professional system kitchen and a canteen at our school that is taken care of by our students. The volunteers have to accept the rules and conditions of our school regulations e.g. prohibition of smoking in the school area.

Our school offers the volunteer the work environment of a professionally-equipped vocational college. The applicant will work in the field of design technology and the canteen operation. There is a variety of services and learning opportunities. In addition to learning about workflow in the graphic area and in the canteen operation, the volunteer can experience in dealing with students and a teacher team. Working on external jobs e.g. for the district of Steinfurt and the cultural center of  „Kloster Gravenhorst” offers another interesting perspective. Furthermore, it is possible to attend a German lesson to improve language skills.

The volunteer will support the design technology area and school canteen operations. In addition to working in a team it will be expected after the training period to work independently. We would be glad, wenn the volunteer just confidentially the role of an „ambasodor” for intercultural meetings in support of their own ideas and skills can overtake.

Possible activities:

Independent making of media such as graphics, banners, printing, e.g. on a big plotter, working with PC-based graphics software, working with a laser for cutting and engraving, taking care of the photo studio, editing of a school brochure. Co-organization of school projects, assisting in preparations for a student exchange/school trip. Accompanying a school trip into the country of origin, cultural evening. Offering e.g. a language workshop in the language of the home country, workshop for cooking recipesof the country of origin, a photography club, etc. Support of the school canteen operation like for example decorations, selling, preparation of meal plans. Introduction of recipes from the country of origin.

CHCESZ WYJECHAĆ? NAPISZ DO NAS ([email protected])



Praca dla ambitnych w Boliwii
Stowarzyszenie CZ-ART we współpracy z ProgettoMondo.mlal serdecznie zaprasza osoby w wieku 24-30 lat do udziału w projekcie Wolontariatu Europejskiego w stolicy Boliwii, La Paz.

Centro de Reinserción Social para Adolescentes y Jóvenes Privados de Libertad Qalauma to zakład karny dla nieletnich w wieku 16-21 lat. W placówce wysoki nacisk kładzie się na proces resocjalizacji poprzez cykl zajęć prowadzonych przez wyspecjalizowaną kadrę oraz wolontariuszy. W okresie od listopada 2013 do maja 2014 roku, dwoje wolontariuszy z Polski oraz Włoch będzie pracować w Centro Qalauma jako asystenci pedagogów. Jednym z nich możesz zostać TY! Nie zmarnuj życiowej szansy zdobycia zawodowych kwalifikacji.

Osoby zainteresowane prosimy o przesłanie CV oraz listu motywacyjnego(będzie miał istotne znaczenie w procesie rekrutacji) na adres [email protected] do 31 lipca 2013 roku.


Chcesz pracować w radiu?
Poszukujemy osoby w wieku 18-30 lat, która we wrześniu 2013 chciałaby wyjechać na rok do Niemiec! Wyjazd odbywa się w ramach Wolontariatu Europejskiego(EVS), a miejscem pracy jest młodzieżowa rozgłośnia radiowa oraz Jugendtreff Velpe(centrum młodzieżowe).

Do obowiązków wolontariusza należeć będzie pomoc w przygotowywaniu audycji, realizacja własnych programów radiowych oraz przygotowywanie i prowadzenia warsztatów i zajęć dla podopiecznych centrum młodzieżowego.

Wymagana jest znajomość języka niemieckiego LUB angielskiego w stopniu komunikatywnym. Wszystkie koszty związane z zakwaterowaniem, wyżywieniem, ubezpieczeniem oraz kieszonkowym pokrywane są przez organizację goszczącą. Jedynym kosztem jaki ponosi uczestnik to 10% kosztów podróży. Szczegółowy opis działań znajduje się tutaj.

Osoby zainteresowane proszone są o kontakt mailowy do końca lipca 2013 r.



Stowarzyszenie Wspierania Działań Młodzieży CZ-ART
ul. Poselska 28, 42-200 Częstochowa, Polska

info: [email protected]

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